Redefining School Data
Erich Bolz teaches how data can actually have an impact
Fruit vs. Root: An analogy (2:00)
Handout 1 (TBD Topic Reflecting on Intro Videos for Module 1)
4-3-2-1 (1:23)
Activity 1 (TBD)
AASA Article to Review
Turning Data into Action (6:36)
Responding to Data through Student Voice (5:18)
Handout 2
The "I vs. They" Gap (1:38)
Activity 2
CEE's Why-What Protocol (1:02)
Data Strategies (6:48)
Bringing Data to Life (5:00)
S.H.E. (:54)
The Land of Opportunity (1:15)
Better Data, Better Decisions, Better Schools (:53)
Randy's Wrap-Up (1:55)
Handout: Outlier Study Common Conditions
Using data to create the outcomes you want